Born into the "crystal" family, I was embedded on this path from the early days of my life. My passion and understanding of crystals grew with time and the events in life since then have only channeled my journey in one particular direction. It has brought me closer to the realization that without acceptance, cannot come change and without patience cannot come endurance. In order to have clarity in life, one must begin with self.
The journey through the crystal world is unbelievably fascinating. Not only does it reflect our inner self but it also helps accelerate realizations and understandings that come from it. When we learn to be true to ourselves and give way to the universal flow of life, we will surface much quicker than you might think, to a much higher self.
Everything in life is perfectly balanced with impeccable accuracy of timing and only change remains permanent. A broken crystal in its natural environment has the character to "self-heal" in the most beautiful of ways, much like many other life on earth. Life is a valuable gift and we are all learning from it. In our own ways we have to put back together the broken pieces in our lives.